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Cloud-Based Energy and Resources Management Services

SMG offers enterprises, end-users and service providers a comprehensive suite of services designed to manage and help optimize the use of resources.

Ensuring Continuous Uptime and Efficient Operation

From our Energy Efficiency Operation Center (EEOC), our highly trained energy professionals using best of breed energy management hardware and software monitor the customer's energy usage to enable Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), quality assurance professionals, green building professionals, commissioners and retro commissioners to deliver high-quality services to their end customers.
The value added of our monitoring system is preemptive identification of potential equipment failures and proactive maintenance of all systems, hence ensuring continuous uptime and efficient operation in all sorts of environment including solar farms, warehouses and cold stores...
Our team also enables facility managers, energy auditors, rating system commissioners and other service provider with reliable measurement and verification services. ...show more

Our energy management services can help customers:
  • Control and monitor energy consumption and usage
  • Control all energy systems
  • Report, analyze and forecast energy demand
  • Analyze utility rate structures and utility bills
  • Define energy saving targets
  • Monitor key parameters such as (Internal Environmental Quality) IEQ parameters and equipment performance